

Jakarta… how long have I been here? It could be a two weeks, or two days… I’m thinking the latter, but am not quite sure since my days and nights are still pretty turned around. Indonesia’s 11 hours ahead to the East Coast, and my 2+ day trek here left blurry-eyed, but still thoroughly excited.

Yesterday was my first full day, and I spent most of it sitting a taxi getting to and from the offices, crammed into a gigantic traffic blob with the nine million other people who live here. Ok, I’m exaggerating a bit, but it is indicative of the most prevailing characteristic of Indonesia’s capital city – it’s BUSY.

Cars, carts, motorcycles, bicycles, and an array of other moving apparatii clog the streets, honking, squealing, and veering full-throttle within inches of one another. It’s absolutely nuts. Meanwhile, the shops, markets and other pedestrian thoroughfares look quite similar – except with people instead of cars, and cell phones instead of horns (though here they’re called “hand phones,” for a little cultural fyi).

Anyway, the time here’s been good, and I met more people at the offices yesterday than I’ll ever remember, but the main impression I’ll leave with is – wow, everyone’s so nice! (Seriously, though, they are.) But well beyond that, everyone’s here with a common mission to help, and they’re on top of things. And there’s an overwhelming sense of team collaboration that I noticed immediately… dozens and dozens of nationalities were represented, but there is unmistakably that unifying goal of bringing recovery to the region. It’s an amazing thing to be a part of.

Today, however, was much less noble, as I did what any good American girl would do on her second day in a foreign city – I found the mall. I bought a few bootlegged cds for a dollar each, had Dunkin Donuts coffee (fantastic), and even tried to get some exercise by walking back. But, perhaps disoriented by the 1000% humidity, I huffed it the wrong way, both in direction and in proper sidewalk etiquette (so I soon learned), then had to cab it back a few miles for the whopping fare of about 60 cents.

But Monday morning, I’ll leave the busy city scene and travel with Ricardo, my team leader, to Banda Aceh, where I’ll get settled in and likely jump right into the groove. (And the groove there will be completely different from the hustle of Jakarta). I’ve been reading document after document learning about the programs, but I know it’ll be in seeing things first hand that I’ll truly begin to process how it works… and hopefully see how much recovery has taken place since I was here last.

I don’t think there could be much more difference, geographically or otherwise, from where I am now and where I was this time last year. (Miami – definitely more suited for a birthday bash!) Both were and are thresholds for adventure, though, and if my 31st year proves as wild and wonderfully cathartic as my 30th, I can’t wait for what’s ahead…

For those who celebrated with me ahead of time, thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul… You are all amazing. And I do promise to one day stop using “I’m moving” as a subconscious ploy to get you to throw me a party.

But the birthday thing, not changing that one… oh happy day!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in Banda Aceh Indoscribe

Anonymous said...

Heard the shocking news from Marshall (who heard through the grapevine). VERY excited for my adventurous frined who ought to be bouncing around the globe lending her talents to the world! So much love to you!! ~for all the Wentlands

Anonymous said...

Heard the shocking news from Marshall (who heard through the grapevine). VERY excited for my adventurous frined who ought to be bouncing around the globe lending her talents to the world! So much love to you!! ~for all the Wentlands

Anonymous said...

GOOD GRIEF! I didn't mean to publish twice--and both times with TYPOs!! :-( Pls xcuse. ~me

Anonymous said...

How very fun!!!!

A one-day-early, great-big HAPPY 31st!

Lacey said...

Happy Birthday!
Ahh, sweet Bonnie, our thoughts and prayers are with you wherever you are. I know you are having an amazing adventure, so please be diligent in updating your blog site for those of us that live vicariously through your experiences!

Anonymous said...

Here in the US, today is the day ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Love ya,
Ang and Dad

Anonymous said...

Happy B'day, Bon!
I love you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Love you,
Barb, jim and Kids

Anonymous said...

Wow Bonnie Jean, birthday queen, can't believe it's been a year since all the hurrincanes in Florida and we were planning your birthday bash. What an exiting life you lead, you are in my prayers and I can't wait to follow the adventures of BJ, Cathy

Anonymous said...

it's great to get a glimpse of what your seeing and experiencing once again. i look forward to much more. know that you are loved and prayed for...and in traditional marty fashion...your card's in the mail! happy birthday, from your favorite texas aunt! i love you.

Anonymous said...

What? Indonesia? That's awesome. Can't wait to read more.
Carrie Lewis

Anonymous said...

Hey you ... if it takes moving to get you in one place to throw a party then that's what we'll do. As the host (and co-host) of TWO of your going away parties - after only one year --- we know that if we bring enough of a party to your world with your good friends and people you'll love, you'll be there! Just wait, in ten years we'll be throwing old desperate fetes to celebrate WHEN you went to Bande Aceh (which now i can spell, versus two weeks ago)!

Clorox, febreeze, ant hotels -- let's all send them your way. I had some hard-bodied bug crawl up my leg sitting outside a few moments ago in the Virginia night and it creeped me out. Multiply that by 2000 bizillion and I'm freakin' out!

We love you girl and we so very proud. Wag bags and cheese nips are in the mail!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bon!! Hope your birthday was happy!! I just now found your blog. --- glad to hear from you! Staying busy here. Kind of high-stress mode with report cards coming out. love you lots! Cindy

Anonymous said...

GILLESPIE! We miss 'ya, gal! Continuing to lift you in prayer! *hugs*


Maegan said...

Bon! Hey girl, just wanted to let you know I have one of these now and i have updated and put pictures of the baby on it! Hope youre doing well! I love you!