

We just had a staff meeting about bird flu. And it seems that despite the fact that chicken is one of the only things I’ve been eating since I got here, unless I take a job on a chicken farm, I’m more likely to die of stress associated with the media frenzy around the disease than the disease itself. Phew! However, they will be offering traditional flu-shots to all of us which is said to lessen the risk should the virus mutant into a human-to-human contractible form.

It’s been a busy week, and I’m about to head out to one of our island-based water sanitation projects on an overnight field expedition. We’ll be taking a boat out, stocked with piping and other project supplies, then hiking to the different sites. With a full pack of camera gear and my sleeping bag strapped on, I look more like I’m headed down the AT trail! I have fall leaves as my screensaver on my computer and daydream about the mountains this time of year, while smoldering in the 85+ degrees and 1000 percent humidity :) One would think my home state would have acclimated more me to this, but I spend most of my time outdoors (and inside as well) sweating profusely!

I had my first big media adventure yesterday, hosting a crew from one of France’s major TV networks at our psychosocial training event. It couldn’t have gone better! They were fun, interested, positive, and spent the afternoon interviewing our staff and participants. Who knew I’d be doing “international relations” here as well as media relations? I’m learning that 90% of it comes back to Southern Hospitality, so it comes pretty easily!

Other excitements of late include receiving my copy of Photoshop, which was hand-carried from the States by one of our financial guys from headquarters (who was for some reason cute and charming, or perhaps I’m in withdrawals from American boys). Also, I got the word that I can move into our new house (House #5), which I’ll be doing with another current housemate early next week. His name is Sten (pronounced “Steen”) and he’s from Denmark and about my Dad’s age. We’ll be jointed shortly be other new colleagues scheduled to arrive later in the week. My new room has its own porch and door outside and all the walls are painted a delightful yellow. I’m excited! We’re also switching offices to a new building (house, actually) next door to the one we’re all currently crammed into with Brits and Canadians, so that should be a good move as well.

I had sushi this week, which we bought at the fish market, brought it home, sliced it up and ate it, so it was literally the freshest fish I’ve ever had. Out of the tuna and barracuda, it was hard to pick a favorite! And I’ve been watching movies at night that I bought for the low bargain price of 80 cents a piece. Also, I got my first piece of mail! (A sweet birthday card from my sweet Mamaw Barton.) It looks as if it took about two weeks to make it here, which I’m learning is pretty typical. Packages are said to take between four and six weeks through standard mail, and padded envelopes are supposedly faster. I’ll keep an eye open for those of you who said you’ll be sending things and let you know how long it takes. Thanks so much!

Now, I’m off to the island of Pulo Aceh!


Anonymous said...

To my "Beautiful Bonnie Jean," you are sorely missed (sniff sniff) I tell ya, no one but you could have an adventure like this! I'm SO jealous, but alas, I've my own misadventures "back at the ranch" of RU. Keep the updates coming, girl so that I can live vicariously thru you!!
Love and Miss U BUNCHES!!
Love Kimmie

Anonymous said...

Proud to hear you're going to get to move to the new house. However, hope you packed your 'skeeter spray if you'll be sleeping in your sleeping bag (in a tent?) on overnight adventures! We got our first heavy frost last night. The leaves were really beginning to look beautiful this morning as I drove to work. Wish you were here to see. I may have to overcome my computer ignorance and sent you some pictures. Daniel is reading (little words)! Sierra is a "math whiz", as she calls it, this year. They and I enjoyed the pictures. Much love, Cris

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see that some things never change. I am glad you are still doing the things you want to do. As usual, you are helping others. I know that you will always do and go where GOD and your heart leads you. I have enjoyed your writings and look forward to more. I do not know if you knew but Allen Arnold was killed in a car accident last week. I just thought you would want to know. Take care and you will always be in my prayers!!!
An Old Friend