
nigeria 2.0

Oh, Nigeria. I left you only months before with exalted hopes and shattered stereotypes. Little did I know you were not finished with me yet... This was a tough trip. A long trip. Confessionally, I dealt very poorly with the daily, mounting frustrations and aggravations. I even started writing a blog entry on the flight home, only to read it later and wince at my own incessant complaining. When truly, any trip, any new experience, any chance to see another corner of the globe is a blessing. We covered a lot of ground -- Abuja, Ibadan, Ilorin and Kaduna, and in the shots below you'll see glimpses of each. Cute kids (I can't help myself), open air cooking (including my favorite suya), the markets, women entrepreneurs, local leaders in traditional clothes (I was repeatedly told that Nigerians are the best dressed people in Africa,) the rusty rooftops of Ibadan (once Africa's largest city), gigantic yams, and much more. Enjoy the mini-tour!


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