

“Ask God for wisdom about why He’s placed you where you are right now. Watch for what He reveals to you...”

I just read this in an article online about people who were struggling with the apparent futility of their jobs. As I read, I was hearing the recent refrain in my mind, so how does this apply to me? I’m not working right now... Perhaps, yes, I’ve developed a bit of a complex about my transition time – some days it’s more “woe is me” than “hallelujah I don’t have to get up and go to work.” But whatever is buzzing in my head, it’s very inconsistent, and like this time as a whole, very confusing.

After having worked since, I guess, the summer of 1998 when I went to China in a field or position where I felt like I was “helping people,” to not be “working” for the past few months has made me feel, well, on some level… slightly useless. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very thankful for all the time I got to spend at home (it was wonderful) and to have the freedom now to travel about and see friends, all the while daily distributing my resume around the globe. But even with the sense of (what is it?) relief, maybe gratitude, that my daily responsibilities aren’t predetermined for me – by an awaiting inbox full of messages every morning, colleagues and a boss anticipating my arrival and depending on my productivity, and most of all, people in need that may struggle an ounce less because of something I do – I still can’t seem to get fully settled on the inside without the inspiration (and even a routine) of work in a “helping” profession.

I mean, I still do some good – I wash Jennifer’s dishes and walk the dog. I put Sharmila’s microwave rack together the other day, and yes, did her dishes, too. But in comparison to being part of a multi-million dollar relief operation for the biggest disaster of our lifetime, household chores to seem a bit… insignificant.

So, I ask myself – Am I insignificant? Or am I just struggling with the same question the employed and unemployed alike grapple with from time to time – Why on earth am I here?

But that still small voice inside of me thankfully knows the answer, and even my error. I, under the guise of “doing good” have allowed my “doings” to ever-so-slightly overtake my identity – my identity as a child of God, here to love, here to serve… And though I’ve tried really hard to get the “serving” part right, perhaps I’ve neglected (more than I realized) the loving child part – the growing, the learning, the quiet and “listening” times that are as a much a part of my purpose as the noisy, lively “doing” times.

So here I am again, learning to be honest and enjoy the silence, praying for wisdom, and getting back on the keyboard as part of my quest to embrace a more quiet Purpose.

Thank you for joining me in this part of the journey as well...


Anonymous said...

Silence is a message in and of itself. Be still. Be quiet. Be calm, and be prepared to wait for the whispered call and the faint drumming of a distant and desperate situation. Be so rested that you can offer the clarity of thought, the strength of body, the firey will of spirit, for a swift and focused response. The world is full of worthy missions and tired warriors. God needs you strong and He is giving you time enough to recharge your battery. Do not rush Him --- those who suffer deserve better than an "almost" rested angel of mercy.

Hugs & Much Love,
The Oracle

Anonymous said...

There is no guilt in time off. There are many people across this great nation that consider what you are doing now a lot of work. You will regret any guilt you are feeling in a few months when you are working your tail off.

Holla back girl -

Anonymous said...

My sister, be encouraged and know that not one moment in your life in Christ is "useless" or unproductive. Yes, "rest" is important! God misses us when we don't slow to a "Mary" pace or when we may do like Elijah and not physically rest in order to be more focused and clear minded to hear and do the will of God. Know that every present moment you are living, you are being shaped and prepared for circumstances to come. Have encouragement knowing that you do help others everyday...even if it's blessing friends with a hand in chores so they too may serve God better. We are in the role He has for each of us however small or big it is...we all matter and all of it counts.


Nicole said...

My Sweet Bonnie...

First let me just say how happy I am to be reading your words again. As I read your words, I can hear your voice and see your beautiful face and it just makes me so happy...

Bonnie, the words you wrote from your heart are the very words that so many of us have felt for various reasons. God has me in a similar position. Though I haven't been going around the world bringing relief to hurting children and families, I have been traveling around the nation, somewhat "jobless" doing rescue missions and interventions in families...It is so wonderful to be trusted by God to work in people's lives...

However, I did begin to get antsy...like God, "What am I doing?" "Shouldn't I be working?" But the answer that came back to me was always simply rest. It's in those resting times that we are recharged, revived, vision is renewed, hearts are purged, mended, strength is given through JOY...

Dishes, dishes, dishes...boy have I been doing some dishes lately...but to a wife who has no help in her home and feels like giving up on life, coming home to dishes done is just like you flew in with bags of relief food or medicine...God will use you where you are. Bonnie, you are a blessing to people in simply the looks you give, the sweet words you speak, and the wonderful servant that you are...

Please understand that you are not doing nothing...to the people whose lives you touch everyday, you may feel like a relief worker. AND GOD needs you "stand still" in a sense so HE can pour into you, love on you, etc. so you can go back and do it all over again...

The theme of my life for the past few months has been Go Big or Go Home...The going home is no less than the going big...they just serve different purposes...You're home now...REST...and prepare to GO BIG again...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Your favorite Supermodel...